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pabst.socialmedia on Facebook

Facebook Instant Articles Opening To All Publishers

Facebook will open Facebook Instant Articles to all publishers, effective April 12, 2016. Facebook Instant Articles was built to solve the problem of slow loading times on the mobile web created a problematic experience for people reading news on their phones. With Instant Articles, publishers will have full control over the look of their stories, as well as data and ads.

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track Facebook ads in Google Analytics_06_Facebook ad referral in Google Analytics

How To Track Facebook Ads In Google Analytics

A lot of websites are using Google Analytics for tracking traffic. And also, a lot of Websites are using Facebook Ads to promote their website or to drive potential customers to their online shop. Wouldn’t it be great to measure the success or return of investment of on ad on Facebook by analyzing the click through rates? However, it doesn’t work natively to track Facebook ads in Google Analytics. What you need for tracking is an ad specific custom Google Analytics URL.Read More »How To Track Facebook Ads In Google Analytics

Facebook disabled accounts_accounts not following Facebook Terms

Facebook Account Disabled: How I Recovered It

Some days ago, I was really irritated: I couldn’t access nor my Facebook account neither my Facebook pages. My Facebook account was disabled or blocked due to suspicious activity. Facebook told me that “suspicious activity has been detected on your Facebook account and it has been temporarily suspended as a security precaution”. So I was locked out of Facebook. When I try to log in I see a message saying my account is suspended. And when I went to, the URL of my personal page, it said “Content Unavailable.”. Read who I recovery my disabled Facebook account and, as a bonus, my lessons learned at the end of this post.

Read More »Facebook Account Disabled: How I Recovered It Facebook post_Ranking February to April 2015

3 Success Factors To Get More Facebook Likes And Shares

Up to now, I’ve been blogging for more than three years. In the meantime, I get more than 2.500 page views per day on my main blog – Tech.Blog. But I needed more than three years to understand how successful posting is working on Facebook. At the end of the day, there are exact 3 success factory to get more Facebook Likes and Facebook Shares:Read More »3 Success Factors To Get More Facebook Likes And Shares

Social Locker by OnePress: locked content

Social Locker: How I got +3k Facebook Likes and +1k Twitter followers within 4 months

I had always been wondering how bloggers gain k’s of Facebook Likes and Twitter followers. My blog stagnated at around 100 Facebook Likes and 100 Twitter followers for years, although the traffic increased to thousands of page views per day.

Then, it was one day in November 2014, I stumbled on the WordPress Plugin Social Locker by Onepress and everything turned:
4 months later I got +3k Facebook Likes and +1k Twitter followers!Read More »Social Locker: How I got +3k Facebook Likes and +1k Twitter followers within 4 months