Following the account on Google+ and Twitter, the RSS feed of pabst.socialmedia, your expert to get your business connected to customers, is now live on FeedBurner, too. Just subscribe to pabst.socialmedia’s RSS feed by email to get the latest news about social media marketing and how to set up your social media on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ and connect these social media to your business site or blog.
Recently, Google called for HTTPS everywhere on the web Google I/O a few months ago. Further more, HTTPS encryption is already a ranking signal for Google search results. Therefore, the website and blog of pabst.socialmedia is based on HTTPS from the very beginning. However, setting up a FeedBurner RSS feed on a https encrypted domain was a bit tricky because FeedBurner does not support HTTPS encrypted sites. But this problem can be solved easily. A ‘How-to’ will be published on this blog within the next days. (Update 28/08/2014 post published: Fixing FeedBurner RSS Feed Problem on HTTPS WordPress Websites)
Stay tuned! 😉