Adblockers are boon and bane. A boon for more and more website visitors, a bane for all bloggers. Most bloggers deliver their content cost-free to website visitors. And most bloggers earn money by affiliate links or ads like Google Adsense to compensate hosting costs, domain costs and so on. Adblockers are killing that links, leading to ad-free website pages, arguing that most ads are intrusive and are dissipating data plans. But that’s not true.
Here’s my website – Tech.Blog shown on left hand without adblocker and on the right hand with activated adblocker:
But nothing on earth is free. Adblockers will force bloggers to give up. For example, the adblocker traffic of my website – Tech.Blog gained 25% on average. This means that nearly 25% of all my blog visitors are using adblockers leading to a lower click chance on ads displayed on my blog’s posts.
Now it is time to strike back! Some websites in Germany like are completely blocking visitors with activated adblocker, forcing them either to deactivate the adblocker, to whitelist the website or to pay for an ad-free version of the website.
Until now, I do not want to go that way. I better try to convince people to either deactivate the adblocker or, at least, whitelist – Tech.Blog. After testing many different plugins, the free plugin of my choice is Adblock Notify by b*web. Adblock Notify detects Adblock and nofities users. Here’s my notification text:
Taking everything into account, the free plugin Adblock Notify by b*web is an elegant way to block adblocker on WordPress in a very nice way. Indeed, it is not really blocking, but it is starting the process to think about deactivating adblockers.
Stay tuned! 😉